Disha Patani has once again left fans spellbound with her latest photos. The stunning actress on sunday graced social media with a jaw-dropping photograph, donning a sports bra and jeans, setting the internet on fire. Disha Patani’s sizzling look garnered a lot of reactions and compliments from her fans. She is looking smoking hot in her latest photoshoot.
In the photos, the actress is wearing Calvin Klein’s sports bra and jeans. All the photos are in black and white. However, she has not mentioned anything in the caption. The simple yet alluring attire highlighted her sculpted abs and radiant skin, making her a vision of beauty and fitness. Disha’s effortless style and undeniable charm have solidified her status as a fashion icon. Many fans dropped heart emojis in the comment section. One of the fans wrote, “Gorgeous.” Another wrote, “Stunning.”
Last week, on Friday, disha patani took to her instagram handle and shared a slew of hot behind-the-scenes videos from her latest photoshoot. In the clips, Disha can be seen flaunting her bombshell figure in multiple black and white ensembles. In one of the clips, Disha can be seen sporting black shorts and a black bra. However, in the same carousel, Disha also raised temperatures in white baggy pants and a white bra combo. She wrote the brand’s name in the caption along with emojis of the eiffel tower and a black heart.