Many bollywood superstars were seen visiting the restaurant in Bandra to start the weekend in style. They were all wearing immaculate attire and grinning broadly for the cameras. Shah Rukh Khan, his wife Gauri and daughter Suhana, deepika Padukone, siddharth Malhotra, karan johar, and other celebrities were on the guest list. 
It was all for the film's wrap-up celebration, Dunki, starring Shah Rukh Khan and Rajkumar Hirani, which is scheduled for release shortly. Photographers also caught a glimpse of rakul preet singh and jackky bhagnani, who make a cute couple. After leaving the event, the two were seen stopping momentarily to strike a photo for the cameras.
Rakul Preet Singh was spotted wearing a tight, all-black dress with a high ruffle collar, short hem, and full-length sleeves. She pulled her hair back into a neat bun and accessorized it tastefully with studs, a watch, and black boots. However, jackky bhagnani was wearing a black shirt with stripes, matching pants, and bulky shoes.

Rakul Preet Singh and jackky bhagnani were caught out on a romantic date on the actress's birthday earlier this month. The pair was seen leaving the café with a large bouquet of silver and rose-gold balloons. rakul donned a floor-length denim split skirt with a silver shirt tucked in. She accessorised the look with neat hair, black shoes, and a matching black purse. Jackky, on the other hand, looked sharp in all-black casual wear that he accessorised with a cap.

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