When naga chaitanya attended the Keralan navratri puja, she was unrecognisable. At the navratri puja organised by kalyan Jewellers in Thrissur, the telugu actor attended with nagarjuna, katrina kaif, and several other celebrities. Photographs taken during the event and published by the paparazzi showed naga chaitanya walking with father nagarjuna to the festivities. The actor had a large beard, which is not how he usually looks. Chay changed into pyjamas and a white kurta.

Outside the puja location, the Custody actor was spotted posing with his father. nagarjuna looked stunning in a patterned kurta that he accessorised with pyjamas on this particular night. Together, the father and kid smiled for the cameras. view the images below:

Additionally, it was his first public appearance since he gave rise to reports that he and his ex-wife samantha Ruth Prabhu were getting back together. When naga chaitanya posted a photo of himself with Hash, a French Bulldog that he and samantha welcomed when they were still married, earlier this month, it ignited suspicions of a reconciliation. In the picture, Hash was sitting in Chaitanya's lap in his automobile, enjoying the dusk. "Vibe" is the caption he posted with the image. Although it appears that samantha and chaitanya are sharing dog care, the picture sparked a lot of rumours that the two may have reconciled.

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