Kismat is a movie that Comrade Film Factory and Atheera Productions are creating jointly to launch srikanth Badineni as a filmmaker. The trailer for this entertaining young performer was released today. hero Sree vishnu carried out the duties. Close friends naresh Agastya, Abhinav Gomatam, and vishwa Dev all finished their engineering degrees but were unable to find employment. They choose to take alternative action in an attempt to alter their destiny after discovering that finding work is difficult.

The trio of naresh Agastya, Abhinav Gomatam, and vishwa Dev made a lot of people laugh with their performances. In the film, riya suman portrays Naresh's romantic interest, while srinivas avasarala is a police officer. The movie is entertaining for moviegoers, as the teaser implies. The film appears to have some exciting aspects in addition to humor. The teaser makes viewers curious about the plot of the film. music for It is by Mark K. Robin. Since the film is now under post-production, the release date will shortly be revealed by the producers.

The leader of Kismat is Srinath Badineni. Raju acts as the film's producer, while Ch Bhanuprasad is its co-producer. The film's music director, Mark K. Robin, collaborates with Vedaraman Shankaran on cinematography, Viplav Nyshadam on editing, and ravi on production design. Kismat is still in post-production after filming was completed.

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