Sources added that ‘Hi Nanna’, a new movie of Nani. The film was a huge success in tamil film Dada's remake. Nanny has reached the response to this matter. The nani said that Hi Nana is an original film and remake is false. Nanny's Hai's Taanan was released. The Taers also included Nanny's Lip Lock Scene. He was talking about a journalist to Nanan a journalist about the Lip Lock Scene. The question was the script in the screenplay or the question was the question. The word nanny responded to the question mature. Nanan said that I did not have Lip Lock in the films that Any beautiful films. It is done when the screenplay is requested. Nanny said the director's poison is important and not relevant to his personal election. nani also revealed that when she was kissed for the film, nani said he was fighting with his wife. Anyway, the fans of the Nanny's mature reply reply was taken over. The fans say that Hi is a movie that turns to Nayana victory.
Hai Nanna wrote the screenplay in Shoru. The boy who speaks of his father will speak a relationship with december 7 to show. The Sanan john Varghese is performed by the ISC film's portrait. When the film comes to Hindi, the film starts the film 'hi PaPa'.