Though she was unable to aim the arrow, kangana ranaut achieved history by being the first female performer of Raavan Dahan at Lav Kush Ramleela in New Delhi. The actress received an invitation to participate in the Ravan Dahan ceremony, a dussehra tradition that holds great significance. With her sister rangoli chandel by her side, kangana made her way to the stage. kangana wore a classic red saree for the event and styled her hair into a tidy bun. Lieutenant governor VK Saxena and chief minister arvind kejriwal of delhi joined her.

Kangana was shown holding a bow and being taught how to shoot an arrow by those nearby in a video that is currently going viral. kangana tried to shoot the arrow three times, but each time she was unsuccessful. Her spirits weren't depressed, though. As one of the Lav Kush Ramleela Committee members assisted her in shooting the arrow, she chanted "Jai Shri Ram."

Although her happy spirit was contagious, a section of social media, especially on Reddit, trolled her for her failed attempt. “This gives me second hand embarassment," a social media user wrote. “So much for being the stunt/action queen of bollywood ," added another. “So painful to watch ," a comment read. “I can’t imagine the kind of anxiety, embarrassment Kanagana must be feeling at that time," a fourth user wrote.

“This was too hard to watch," a user added. “I can’t stop laughing the person who is speaking in the background, putla jalaya jaye. Asatya par satya ki jeet hui hai and this is so funny and embarassing, kangana should have taken YouTube classes," a comment read.

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