The legendary karan johar is the host of the very contentious hindi chat show Koffee With karan, which is returning for a second season. There are already several key takeaways from the teaser for the first edition of the show, which stars Bollywood's superstar duo ranveer singh and deepika padukone as its first guests this year. In the teaser, deepika is asked by karan which other hero, outside Ranveer, she gets along with the best.
With speed, deepika responds, "Hrithik should be the one. I believe that my chemistry with him is the finest. We really enjoyed working together. And many take notice of Ranveer's immediate reaction to Deepika's remark. "Okay, okay, I'll be watching." In response to Deepika's remark about her chemistry with Hrithik, Ranveer laughs. Aside from Ranveer, deepika continues, saying she thinks ranbir kapoor is the sexiest co-star she has ever worked with. Hrithik and deepika are collaborating on the film Fighter, which is now in development. and will shortly be released.

The eighth season of Koffee With karan has given us even more reasons to admire ranveer singh and deepika padukone, who remain one of the most popular couples in B-town. Together for the first time, they were both full of love when they appeared on a talk programme. They talked about much more than just their wedding day, including how Ranveer proposed to DP.

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