"Mangalavaaram" director ajay Bhupathi, well known for "RX 100," is prepared to create a spine-tingling, action-packed tale. The movie's trailer has gained attention ahead of its november 17 Telugu, Hindi, Tamil, Kannada, and malayalam theatrical releases. The narrative takes place in a tragic community where a horrific murder occurs every Tuesday. There are several personalities, and the majority of them fear for their lives. "The heart is popping out of the mouth," as the character played by muralidhar Goud puts it. Many men flee for their life, and ajay Ghosh is perplexed.

In the teaser, Payal Rajput—presumably a mistreated and sexually harassed female character—makes a great, belated appearance. Her romantic life appears to be in disarray, and it's possible that she's cohabitating with a predator. A few other male characters, including chaitanya Krishna, have furious looks on their faces. The thriller's producers are ajay bhupathi of A Creative Works, swati Reddy Gunupathi and suresh Verma of Mudhra media Works, and the teaser is undoubtedly captivating. The composer Ajaneesh Loknath, known for his work on "Kantara" and "Virupaksha," is spot on.

"Emayyindho Emito," a love tune, was previously released. Ajmal Amir and Payal were the targets of it. In the movie, Sritej and Nandita swetha play crucial roles. The director of photography for the film is Dasarathi Shivendra, and it will be released nationwide. The film's production design and art direction are done by raghu Kulkarni and Mohan Talluri, respectively, and it is edited by madhav Kumar Gullapally. The battle masters are prithvi and Real Satish. Its sound designer, raja Krishnan, is a National Award winner.

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