Famous filmmaker prashanth neel is working hard on the post-production of his film "KGF: Chapter 2," but he has also begun filming his upcoming picture "Salaar: Part 1 - Ceasefire."  The forthcoming action thriller "Salaar" is an indian production, written and directed by prashanth neel and produced by Hombale Films. Starring in the movie are Madhu Guruswamy, Jagapathi Babu, prithviraj Sukumaran, shruti Haasan, and Prabhas.  

Salaar is allegedly a reimagining of Ugramm, however, prashanth neel has refuted these reports. Although 'Salaar' is a new plot, he has stated that his films will all include elements of 'Ugramm' because it is his style.  "Ugramm" is a 2014 Kannada-language action criminal thriller film, produced by CR Manohar under the tanvi Films label, and written and directed by prashanth neel in his directorial debut. Thilak Shekar, Haripriya, and srimurali are the film's main stars.

There are several significant distinctions between Prashanth Neel's "Salaar" and "Ugramm," despite the fact that both films have gangster themes and are directed by him.  'Ugramm' is a lesser budget picture, but 'Salaar' is a considerably larger scale production with a hefty budget and an impressive cast.  The two films' narratives differ from one another as well. In "Ugramm," a young guy is entangled in the criminal underground, while in "Salaar," a mobster battles for justice.


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