The malayalam cinema industry has been hit by tragic news: actress Renjusha Menon, 35, was discovered dead at her Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, home after committing herself. Her admirers, family, and friends are shocked by her demise. Renjusha, who shared a home with her actor husband Manoj, has apparently been having financial issues lately. The Sreekariyam police are investigating her sudden death.

Her most recent social media post, though, is what drew followers' attention. "Sleep is my only comfort, then I'm not sad, not angry, I'm not alone, I'm nothing," she said on social media on october 16. Renjusha started out as a tv programme anchor before stepping into tv serials, where she became well-known for her work on "Sthree" and other shows. She became well-known for her supporting parts in films and television series, such as "Bombay March," "Marykkundoru Kunjaadu," and "City of God."

This tragedy underscores the significance of mental health awareness and assistance within the profession, particularly in light of the recent suicide of another malayalam star, aparna Nair. manorama claimed that she has been having financial issues for the last few months. According to sources, she worked as a line producer in television serials in addition to malayalam films and television series. More information about her funeral is still pending.

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