kollywood director lokesh kanagaraj after 'Thalaivar 171', has planned for 'Rolex', 'Kaithi 2', 'Vikram 2' and a film with actor Prabhas. Meanwhile, Rajinikanth is now shooting for 'Thalaivar 170' with TJ Gnanavel. The movie stars Rajinikanth, amitabh bachchan, Rana Daggubati, Fahadh Faasil, Dushara Vijayan, ritika singh and Manju Warrier. The music for the movie is composed by Anirudh Ravichander.
Reportedly lokesh kanagaraj is one of the versatile and successful directors of India. He has completed making five films in kollywood and every film has been a commercial success giving him the title of the sought after director of Kollywood. His latest film, 'Leo' was well received and the movie is inching towards the mark of Rs 600 crore at the box office.
He is now all set with his next project with actor Rajinikanth for 'Thalaivar 171'. While the pre-production work of the film is to start, lokesh kanagaraj recently revealed that he likes Rajinikanth's style and swag and especially wants to bring the villainous side of the superstar actor in his film. He also revealed that the story of 'Thalaivar 171' was written back in 2016 and now the director is finalizing the script of the film for Rajinikanth. The movie will mark the sixth project of lokesh kanagaraj and he has already made it clear that the Rajinikanth starrer will be a stand-alone film and it will not be part of the lokesh Cinematic Universe.