Following a recent social media post, there have been rumors of a potential reconciliation between samantha Ruth Prabhu and her ex-husband naga Chaitanya. Although she had previously shown images sans the tattoo, many were somewhat aback to see that she still had it. This follows rumors of a reunion when naga chaitanya shared a photo of their puppy online. In 2021, samantha and naga chaitanya formally ended their relationship, albeit they haven't disclosed their reasons to the public.
Samantha Ruth Prabhu always receives a lot of attention for her social media activities. Fans were buzzing over her new pink-clad photos since they couldn't see her 'Chay' tattoo on her ribcage. This image is also stirring up a lot of conversation among followers on social media. She has recently given rise to speculation that she and her ex-husband, naga chaitanya, may make up.In 2021, samantha and naga chaitanya called it quits. samantha even appeared to show that she had moved on by sharing pictures of herself without his name tattooed on them. But her most recent post has her followers guessing once more. samantha posted a collage of images exhibiting her flair on a recent Friday. She disclosed in one of the photos that she still has a tattoo honouring naga chaitanya, which is his stage name, "Chay," close to her ribcage. Fans were happy to find that she still had the tattoo, despite the misconception that she had had it removed.

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