Big B urges stern action following Rashmi's Morphed video...

Amitabh Bachchan has launched a lawsuit after a modified version of rashmika Mandanna's video became viral around the world. On Sunday, a deepfake video featuring the pushpa celebrity went viral on the internet. The unconfirmed video purportedly showed the woman with Rashmika's face getting into an elevator while wearing a tight outfit. Soon later, the video went viral, and several social media users acknowledged that it was a deepfake.

A reporter approached to confirm that the video was fake. "India urgently needs a legislative and regulatory framework to combat deepfake. You may have seen the popular instagram video of actress rashmika Mandanna. He said on X that the video seemed to be a deepfake of Zara Patel.

"Based on a fraudulent standpoint, the clip that went popular is sufficiently convincing for ordinary social media users to have fallen for it." But if you watch the video closely, you'll see that when rashmika enters the elevator at 0:01, her (deepfake) visage immediately shifts to the other girl's," he said. amitabh bachchan called for legal proceedings to be performed against such events in a message of his post. In support of his Goodbye co-star, he said, "Yeah this is an powerful argument for legal." rashmika has not yet commented on the video.

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