On november 6th, the first peek video for Kamal Haasan's next project, directed by mani ratnam, was released by the production team. This verified that the movie is called "Thug Life." Currently, there are several conversations on social media about this video. Internet users are creating a collage that compares images from the 2019 hollywood sci-fi drama Rise of Skywalker with the Thug Life glimpse.
The collage shows how Kamal Haasan's depiction from Thug Life is quite similar to the main character from Rise of Skywalker. The pictures from both movies have strikingly identical outfits, colour schemes, and shot compositions. Due to the striking similarities, there has been conjecture on social media over whether Thug Life is a parody of or inspired by Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker. Some claim that the Thug Life crew has imitated the hollywood visual extravaganza's visual presentation.

As the story takes off on social media, mani ratnam and his creative team have kept quiet about this development. There's no denying that Thug Life and Rise of Skywalker have a very similar aesthetic. Regarding Thug Life, which is now in the early stages of production and being directed by mani ratnam, Kamal plays Rangaraya Sakthivel Nayakkar. The music for the very ambitious film is being composed by AR Rahman. dulquer salmaan has signed on to star in the movie.

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