Family Star movie, which is being made under the direction of Parusuram under the production of dil Raju, continued without any gap till now. But Vijay devarakonda, who participated in almost three schedules without a gap, has now taken a bit of a gap. The shooting of the film has not stopped but vijay deverakonda is taking some rest. Because there is no need for Vijay in the ongoing shooting. 

It seems that the director is shooting some crucial scenes with the rest of the artists. In this gap, Vijay devarakonda is going to dubai and enjoying the holidays there. The latest photo of him also goes viral on social media. Like dubai Sheikh, Vijay devarakonda gave a stylish still in the atmosphere wearing black glasses. Now that photo has become viral on social media. It has been proved once again that Vijay devarakonda can be seen in any look.

It is known that Vijay Devarakonda's family star is coming to Sankranti. With very little time, director Parashuram is continuing the shooting without a gap. It was for this film that Vijay kept aside the project he was supposed to do with gautham Tinnanuri. With this, the director shifted to another film. Vijay thinks that this time sankranti should somehow get success with the movie Family Star.

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