Pooja Hegde recently stole the show in Ritu Kumar's jaw-dropping ethnic costume, but at what cost? a massive Rs 150,00! The costume, which has a top and skirt combination in a luxurious Flat Dupion and is inspired by Mandalas, is a monument to the designer's artistic ability. It was a genuine diwali masterpiece because of the round neck and long sleeves, which brought an extra touch of refinement to the festive ensemble.
Pooja accepted the costume with ease, allowing her long, wavy hair to fall freely. The open hair complemented the ethnic theme nicely, adding a touch of natural elegance. pooja hegde transformed every element into a fashion dream, from Jhumkas swaying with every step to a bright, dewy makeup look that accentuated her features and a statement ring on her hand.
Pooja posted the images on social media with the message, "Getting ready for another magical diwali night." The post displayed Ritu Kumar's Mandala creation's captivating attractiveness in addition to radiating diwali feelings. pooja hegde continues to demonstrate why she is a trailblazer in the fashion industry by skillfully fusing classic elegance with a modern touch. Stay tuned for more updates.

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