Salman Khan, who is currently gearing up for the release of tiger 3 along with katrina kaif, has seemingly confirmed that he is doing YRF’s tiger vs Pathaan with Shah Rukh Khan. There are strong reports that salman and Shah Rukh will begin filming for tiger vs Pathaan after the release of their respective movie tiger 3 and Dunki. In an interview, salman was asked about the timeline on tiger vs Pathaan and when he would start shooting for the same. “Tiger is always ready so whenever things are locked – I will be there,” the bollywood superstar said.

While the plot of the movie remains unclear, the title indicates it might chronicle a fierce face-off between India’s two biggest superstars – Shah Rukh Khan and salman Khan. The spy universe includes the first and second installments of tiger film, war, and the recently released Pathaan. Including war 2, tiger vs Pathaan becomes the seventh movie in the Umbrella franchise. The upcoming title of the universe includes tiger 3, which will hit the big screens on Diwali, and war 2.

Tiger vs Pathaan will reportedly be directed by siddharth anand and he is apparently charging Rs 40 crore for the same. “Siddharth anand will be paid Rs 40 crores as directorial remuneration for tiger vs Pathaan.

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