As per report a video of Superstar Rajinikanth going to the airport is going viral on social media. Actor Rajinikanth praised jigarthanda Double X directed by karthik Subbaraj. In a statement released in this regard, he said, “Jigartanda XX film is a Kurunji Malar. Amazing work by karthik Subbaraj, unique story and plot. cinema fans have never seen new scenes.

It makes us wonder if lawrence can act like this. SJ surya is the screen world actress of today. Asathi is a combination of villainy, comedy and character. A rotating camera is playing. The art director's work is commendable.

Dilip Subrayan's fight scenes are amazing. 'Sandosh Narayanan' is the king of composing different music for different films. The music brings the film to life and proves that he is a master music composer in this film. My special compliments to the producer for making this film so grand.

The tribes in the film are not acting, they are living. Elephants are also performing in competition with the actors. Vidhu acting as Chetani is amazing. karthik Subbaraj makes people clap, awe, think and cry in this film. I am proud of you karthik Subbaraj. My hearty congratulations to karthik Subbaraj and team,” said actor Rajinikanth.

In this situation, the video of Superstar Rajinikanth going to the airport is going viral on social media. It is said that Rajini along with his wife Lata Rajinikanth had watched the world cup cricket match between india and new zealand yesterday in Mumbai. Rajini fans are going viral on social media.

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