director karthik Subbaraj slammed Mansoor ali Khan for his comments about Trisha. For the unversed, Mansoor was expressing his heartbreak over not being about to share a scene with trisha in Leo when he made a sexist remark and even made a joke about rape. While trisha reacted to the statement, vowing to never work with Mansoor in the future, karthik also slammed the actor. Taking to X, previously known as Twitter, jigarthanda DoubleX director called Mansoor disgusting.

Meanwhile actress cum politician Khushbu Sundar also condemned the statement. Taking to X, she wrote, “Some men think it’s their birth right to insult a woman or speak about her in a most disrespectful manner. Recent video of #MansoorAliKhan is one such example. I vehemently condemn his speech. They think their “chumma comedykku sonnen” attitude will be overlooked n ignored. No, it won’t be done so. He should apologise to every female actor he has named in his speech and to women in general for displaying his dirty, misogynist, lowly mindset. women of today are strong enough to fight for their respect & dignity.”

trisha was referring to the press conference that Mansoor held in which he spoke about Leo and not getting a chance to share the screen with her. On Saturday, a video went viral in which Mansoor said in Tamil, “When I heard that I was acting with trisha, I thought there would be a bedroom scene in the film. I thought I would carry her to the bedroom just like I did with other actresses in my earlier movies. I have done so many rape scenes and it’s not new to me. But these guys didn’t even show trisha to me on the sets during the shoot in Kashmir.”

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