All made a biggest mistake in Trisha's affair: Mansoor..?

Actor Mansoor Alikhan has explained the controversy that has arisen for defaming actress Trisha. Mansoor ali Khan is a villain, character actor, and comedian in tamil film industry. He recently spoke rudely about actress Trisha. When this issue came to the attention of actress Trisha, she slammed Mansoor ali Khan. Subsequently, many actresses including Khushbu and Roja criticized Mansoor ali Khan. Later, the Women's Commission directed action against Mansoor ali Khan. At this stage, Mansoor Alikhan has spoken about this controversy for the first time. In the press meet held at his home, he said that in the press meet held, someone asked vairamuthu was concerned that heroines are not given importance in cinema. So he used to say that he is not getting a job as a way of glorifying the heroines.
Nadigar Sangam has made a huge mistake in this matter. They have sent a notice asking him to apologize without asking him for an explanation. He gave 4 hours of time to them. He asked to withdraw yesterday's press release. They asked him before everyone to kneel before him and ask for forgiveness. Mansoor ali Khan is not that person. They have made a Himalayan mistake in this. He is calm. If it erupts like a volcano, they will run to pieces, to find courage.Nasser and vishal in the actors' union will not pick up the phone. people know about him, tamil Nadu is on his side. He is in a difficult situation where he have to save people. Withdraw the press release and send him a notice within 4 hours, give him time to reply, said Mansoor ali Khan angrily.

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