Chef Vikas Khanna is the number one chef in the country. Vikas, born in Amritsar, is famous for his delicious

dishes all over the world. Recently Vikas remembered his days of struggle and talked openly. The chef told that

he had to face a lot of difficulties in the initial days.

Food sold on carts in America

In an interview, Vikas Khanna, remembering the days of struggle, said that America is a difficult country to live

in. In 2000, I went to America and lived only in New York, I worked a lot with many chefs. But after a few days,

I was selling food on carts on the streets because in those days I had to survive.

Masterchef show will be remembered emotionally

My mom loves it, my grandma watched the first two episodes of MasterChef and then she passed away. That’s

why this show has a lot of emotional importance for me. When I started the show in 2011, I honored that

opportunity. When I got the Michelin star, Masterchef was released on 4th october and 22nd october and I lost

my grandmother in the first week of November. MasterChef will always be emotional for me.

When a chef hit me over the head with a plate when I was 17

Vikas Khanna told, I used to work in agra and as a chef, my job was to put rotis in the tandoor. I was barely 17

years old and a lady asked for crispy roti, so I was paying attention to her roti and the rest of the rotis got burnt in

the tandoor. I didn’t know much then. That day a chef hit me on the head with a plate.

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