The time that Akkineni fans have been waiting for many days has come. The title of the movie produced by Chandumondeti with Yuvasamrat naga chaitanya has been released. Along with the title, the team has also released an amazing poster. Akkineni hero naga chaitanya is suffering from series of failures. This year's Kashdi movie didn't give much result.. He is waiting for a solid success. Chaitu is determined to make a hit anyway. He is also struggling. Currently, he is busy with the movie NC23 directed by Chandumondeti. It is being produced under geetha arts banner.

The movie NC23 will be based on the theme of fishermen who go to Veeraval in gujarat and get caught by the Pakistani Coast Guard while fishing for a living. Meanwhile, the movie team has recently released a solid update regarding this movie. Tomorrow (November 23) on the occasion of naga Chaitanya's birthday, the makers have released the title announcement poster along with the first look of the film.

And the title of this movie Thandel (Thandel) has been finalized. In this announcement poster, naga chaitanya is seen in action mode as if he is on a boat and fighting with enemies. naga Chaitanya's look is shocking. With a muscular body.. Chaitu.. appeared in a rough and rugged look. Chaitu looked like a handsome fisherman boy.. Chaitu worked very hard for this look.. for this character.

The film revolves around the story of fishermen who go to Veeraval in gujarat and get caught by the Pakistani Coast Guard while fishing for a living. But naga Chaitanya.. this is the well practiced role.. the role of fishermen. In this movie, no matter how the hero is at first. Chaitu is going to lose weight for the same be closer to reality. naga chaitanya is getting a complete makeover for the role in this film. He also lost weight for the character. Videos of Chaitu struggling in the gym have also been released in the past. Earlier there were reports that Chaitu's makeover will surprise the audience. As expected, Chaitu gave a surprise. naga chaitanya is also active in the pre-production works of this project. It is known that he had previously visited the village of Kota Matsyalesham of srikakulam District etcherla Mandal Deematsyalesham Panchayat.

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