Many times, director ajay bhupathi is known for his forthright speaking, and he often makes some tough remarks. Despite the fact that his most recent film, "Mangalavaaram," received mixed to positive reviews, the filmmaker indicated this time that certain reviewers are going too far.

Even before the film's release, ajay bhupathi asked that most critics not divulge the essential story aspects. He also asked that no one divulge any major plot twists, the conclusion, or the person who played the man behind the brass mask. However, one critic is claimed to have divulged everything in a video, which has irritated the rx100 renowned director.

"99% of the reviewers didn't reveal anything about the story or the twists, despite giving the film an in-depth review." But there was one reviewer who kept a diary and revealed all the information. "One has to review a film ethically, whatever his review may be, and should have the sense not to leak about the twists," stated ajay bhupathi at the film's celebration meet. The filmmaker does make a valid argument. Known for his outright talk many times, director ajay bhupathi always puts some of the strong words out of his mouth.

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