Actor vijay varma also talked about his work in Mirzapur and added that he tried to copy to pankaj tripathi and had seen many of his videos to get the tone and accent right. Meanwhile on the work front, Vijay was last seen in the role of a police officer in Sujoy Ghosh’s Netflix india film Jaane jaan which also starred jaideep ahlawat and Kareena Kapoor. He will next be seen in Suriya 43 where he would be seen sharing screen space with Nazriya Fahadh and Dulquer Salmaan.

Vijay varma has been dating tamannaah bhatia for quite some time now. The duo dish out major couple goals, and don’t shy away from expressing their love for each other. The actor was recently asked if he has plans of marrying her soon.

Meanwhile, it is being said that the duo is all set to take their relationship to the next level as they are reportedly planning to get married soon. According to a report in a portal, telugu cinema, tamannaah and Vijay are “seriously considering tying the knot.” The report recently stated that tamannaah is “under pressure” from her parents to get married. It also claimed that the actress has not signed any new movie after appearing in Bhola shankar and the Kaavaalaa song in Rajinikanth starrer Jailer. However, there is no official confirmation regarding tamannaah and Vijay’s wedding plan as of now.

The actor also added that he is living his best time now and revealed that the toughest time for him was when he waited for the theatrical release of Monsoon Shootout (2013). He also shared that he had this feeling that after the appreciation it received at Cannes Film Festival, he expected his life would drastically change but that wasn’t the case.

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