Actress yami gautam appeared in OMG 2 alongside akshay kumar and Pankaj Tripathi. Earlier this year, she was part of Chor Nikal Ke Bhaga, sharing the screen with Sunny Kaushal, Sharad Kelkar, and Indraneil Sengupta. yami gautam revealed being ousted from a show for questioning a scene during her early showbiz days, as she shared in a recent interview with Dainik Bhaskar. Yami, revealing that she initially wanted to become an IAS officer, shared that her career path shifted when she received her first offer for a tv show while still a student. She participated in three tv shows that were discontinued shortly after.
Recalling the time she asked questions about a scene and was removed from the show, the actor said, “It is true. I had some questions about a scene on the first day of the shoot. I questioned something in a scene on my first day of shoot and everyone stared me ‘How can I question?’ When I returned to the set the next day and was reading my script, one person came to me and said ‘You may go home’.”
Yami revealed that she felt really bad hearing that, but it motivated her to keep going. “It felt very bad to hear that but I could not do anything. But, these things are also important, they help me find the passion to keep going,” she said, adding, that in 2018, feeling uncertain about acting, she thought of switching to farming. However, the success of Uri: The Surgical strike and bala deterred me her from that path.