Suhana Khan, who is gearing up for her much-anticipated bollywood debut in Zoya Akhtar’s film ‘The Archies,’ recently shared her admiration for alia Bhatt’s eco-conscious fashion choices. In a recent discussion about the youth’s role in environmental protection, a topic closely aligned with her upcoming movie’s theme, Suhana commended Bhatt for donning her wedding saree again at the National Film Awards. She expressed, “Recently, alia wore her wedding saree again for the National Awards, and I think as somebody with a platform, who has an influence, I thought that was incredible and a much-needed message.” Stressing the point, she added, “And if alia bhatt can re-wear her wedding saree, then we can also repeat an outfit for a party.”
However, her remark on ‘contributing’ to the environment by adopting Bhatt’s sustainable fashion approach sparked considerable trolling on social media. Critics found it perplexing that Suhana considered the act of repeating outfits, something many do routinely, as a commendable effort, needing a role model like Bhatt to set an example. The trolling on social media escalated, drawing parallels to ananya Panday’s purported struggles that often make her a subject of mockery.
Summing up the trolling, a fourth user stated, “What Suhana Khan said in the video is not wrong. But she could have conveyed it with friends in a whatsapp group because only the rich will need to understand the sustainability. The rest of india has been wearing old clothes for years & once done with it, we use it as a mop.”