Currently the excitement surrounding Animal reached new heights just ahead of release as the iconic film director SS rajamouli and superstar mahesh babu joined forces with lead stars Ranbir Kapoor, rashmika mandanna, anil kapoor, bobby deol alongside producer Bhushan Kumar and director Sandeep reddy Vanga. A grand promotional event was held in hyderabad on Monday. Animal is Sandeep reddy Vanga’s second hindi film after Kabir Singh. The film features Ranbir Kapoor, anil kapoor, and bobby deol in lead roles. It is co-produced by T-Series, Murad Khetani’s Cine1 Studios, and pranay Reddy Vanga’s Bhadrakali Pictures.
Sonam Kapoor was last seen in Blind. sonam kapoor, known as the fashionista of Bollywood, on wednesday turned heads on the red carpet. But this time, it wasn’t just her outfit that stole the spotlight. Sonam accompanied by her husband anand Ahuja, left fans swooning as the couple shared an intimate moment that grabbed everyone’s attention on social media. In no time, the video went viral and fans were seen dropping heart emojis in the comment section.
In the video, shared by Viral Bhayani, we can see sonam kapoor dressed in a vibrant orange outfit. She opted for subtle makeup and bun hairstyle. The actress paired the outfit with earrings only. As Sonam and anand posed for the cameras, he showered his wife with affection and planted a kiss on her cheek. Sonam immediately started blushing.
Earlier in the day, sonam kapoor cheered up for dad anil kapoor and penned a heartwarming post for him. Resharing Anil’s post, she wrote, “Such an emotional journey for my dad from starting his career in a telugu film to coming full circle with Animal, his 2nd telugu film after 43 years…Bapu saab must be smiling down on you for making him so proud @anilskapoor!