Actor Robo Shankar, who had celebrated his 22nd wedding anniversary yesterday, along with his family met Rajinikanth and Kamal Haasan. These photos are going viral. Robo Shankar, who used to show his talent in village festivals and stage plays, started to show his talent through reality shows like 'Asatappovotu Yaru', 'Kalakkapovotu Yaru'. As this program brought him to bars, tanks, and everywhere, film opportunities started piling up. As Robo Shankar's wife is a dancer, he also continues to be popular on the small screen by appearing in many shows. So this star couple has huge fan base.

They were followed by Robo Shankar's daughter Indraja, who became a familiar face among fans after acting in 'Bigil'. He also played the lead role in Karthi-Aditi shankar starrer 'Viruman' last year. Shankar, the robot who recently came back from the brink of death, emaciated due to jaundice. As his daughter is going to get married soon...he is focusing on wedding work, acting again, and male pageants. The main reason behind Robo Shankar's huge success is his wife Priyanka. robo shankar has also stated this in many interviews.

In this case, robo shankar has met Rajini-Kamal Haasan along with his wife, daughter and future groom to celebrate his 22nd wedding anniversary today. Photos of this are now going viral. And in the photo of both of them... they have bought the signature of Rajini and Kamal Haasan. It is noteworthy that robo shankar has said that he feels this is the biggest blessing he got for this year's wedding day.

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