Suriya is presently filming his forthcoming film, 'Kanguva,' directed by Siruthai Siva. Filming is nearly over, with the last schedule being completed at EVP Film City in Chennai. Meanwhile, we discovered that Suriya was involved in an accident. The incident happened last night at about 11 p.m. at the Kanguva filming location. According to reports, a rope camera malfunctioned and fell onto Suriya's shoulder during a build-up shot, causing a minor injury. Fortunately, both the actor and the crew members are unharmed.

Due to the event, today's shooting has been canceled, and physicians have advised Suriya to rest. The impact on the filming schedule is still unknown. 'Kanguva,' a high-budget historical fantasy entertainment developed by Studio Green and UV Creations, will be released in approximately 38 languages. Suriya, Disha Patani, bobby Deol, Natty Natraj, Jagapathi Babu, and yogi babu star in the film, which was scored by Devi Sri Prasad.

The title of the film was previously unveiled by the filmmakers in an interesting video. The title teaser video showed an eagle, a dog, and a masked warrior on a horse against the backdrop of a dark night, followed by a vast army. In addition, he will appear in 'Suriya 43,' starring Dulquer Salmaan, Vijay Varma, and Nazriya Fahadh. Suriya and sudha Kongara are back for 'Surya 43,' following the 2020 film Soorarai Pottru, for which he received a National Award for Best Actor.

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