Amitabh Bachchan’s grandson agastya Nanda will be making his acting debut with The Archies and needless to say, the entire family is super excited about it. On Thursday, Big B took to his instagram handle and dropped a photo from sam Bahadur screening in which abhishek bachchan and agastya were seen posing together. In the caption of his post, amitabh wrote in Hindi, “Rakt behta hai, dono mein Bachchan hai, aashirwaad sada unka tum dono pe,” and dropped a folded hands emoji.
Soon after the post was shared, Agastya’s sister Navya Nanda rushed to the comments section and dropped a red-heart emoji. abhishek also dropped a smiling emoji. agastya Nanda is all set to make his acting debut with The Archies. Zoya Akhtar’s directorial also marks the acting debuts of Suhana Khan and kushi Kapoor. It also stars Mihir Ahuja, Vedang Raina and Yuvraj Menda in key roles. The indian adaptation of the beloved comics will be released on Netflix on december 7.
Even when the trailer of The Archies was released earlier this month, amitabh bachchan took to X and wrote, “Agastya my love blessings and more you carry the torch ably ahead.” Prior to Big B, abhishek had also penned down a heartwarming note to welcome his nephew to the movies. “This is just so cool! Can’t wait to see it. Agastya, I’m so, so proud of you. From jumping on my bed as a kid playing the air guitar to jumping out of the screen with a real one….. the journey has just begun. Play hard! Zo, you’ve knocked it out of the park again! And to the rest of the kids and the crew, all the very best. Very exciting. Welcome to the movies!” he wrote.