The young heroine who acted in the telugu film 'Jayadev' recently got married. This cutie, who entered into a three-way relationship with an industrialist, shared her wedding photos with her fans. The couple's cute pics went viral. Young beauty Malvika Raaj got married yesterday. Actress malavika Raj, who played the childhood role of bollywood star heroine Kareena Kapoor in the hindi film 'Kabhi Khushi Kabhi Gham', recently got married and made it official by sharing her wedding pictures with her fans. With this, her fans and many celebrities are wishing her well.

The photos turned out to be very interesting. The fans as well as the fans are happy as they are very excited and happy as a new couple in traditional wears. They are turning the photos viral with likes and comments. And Malvika raj attracted with a very beautiful look in cream color lehenga. Her husband Pranav Bagga is an industrialist. He also impressed in traditional wear. All in all, the new couple shined brilliantly. Last week, Malvika shared pictures with her partner showing off her engagement ring. And today she made her fans happy by sharing her wedding photos. Malvika is the granddaughter of bollywood actor Jagdish Raj. With this, she is making films in Bollywood. She acted in films like 'Captain Nawab', 'Squad' and 'Jayadev' in Telugu.

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