On the professional front, Krithi Shetty will soon be seen in the upcoming tamil film Vaa Vaathiyaare. The movie was written and directed by Nalan Kumarasamy and produced by K. E. Gnanavel raja under the banner of Studio Green. It stars karthi and Krithi Shetty in the lead roles. The film was officially announced in october 2023, and its principal photography began in march 2023. The music for the movie is composed by Santhosh Narayanan, while the cinematography is handled by Dinesh B. Krishnan and edited by Leo john Paul.
Reportedly South actress Krithi Shetty, who made her acting debut in the lead role in 2021 with the film Uppena, has made a special place in the hearts of the viewers with her amazing performance. Since then, the diva has never looked back. But apart from her outstanding performance, Krithi is also known for her impeccable fashion choices, which have captured the hearts of millions. Recently, the diva has treated her fans to a series of stunning photos showcasing her ethereal beauty and alluring personality.
In the latest pictures, Krithi Shetty graces the frame wearing a sleeveless, multicoloured dress. The actress’s choice of subtle makeup left her wavy traces open as she posed for the camera. She posed on a green background, which is so eye-soothing. Sharing the photo, the actress wrote, “Grateful for my 7M instagram family.” love, love, and only love for all of you, and I hope to spread loads of positivity and joy.”