Actress kiara advani has become one of the most sought-after actresses in bollywood today. She made her debut in the 2014 film Fugly. The film performed underwhelmingly at the box office, but kiara left the audience impressed. Kiara’s stint in bollywood has often sparked debate about how much of an outsider is she. While Kiara’s parents do not belong in the industry, they are close friends with many big names like salman khan and Juhi Chawla.

An old interview of the actress has gone viral on Reddit in which she spoke about her connection with salman khan and juhi chawla around the time of her debut. kiara said, “Obviously, I would take his advice on everything that I was doing, but contrary to what everyone thinks that he told my producer (to cast me), she actually called him up and said, ‘Listen, we like her and we’ve selected her. We believe you’re mentoring her so I wanted to call you directly and tell you that we’re going to take this girl.'”

When asked about how she knows salman and Juhi, kiara said, “They’re both family friends. My parents have grown up with them. Juhi aunty, should I even call her aunty? She’s young and so beautiful, I don’t want to call her aunty. She’s someone who’s seen me grow up right since I was born. She’s seen me doing all this nautanki since I was a kid.”

“I remember, holi parties would be at her house and my house and I would be the eldest amongst all the family friends’ children and she would be like, you know how typical aunties are na, ‘Do something for all the mothers, entertain karo.’ So, me being the oldest, would choreograph this dance and all the bachhas (kids) would be my backup,” kiara added.

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