Reportedly in less than the next 48 hours, the highly anticipated moment will arrive as Suhana Khan, the daughter of bollywood power couple Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri Khan, will step into the spotlight, marking her acting debut in Zoya Akhtar’s The Archies. The grand occasion was preceded by a special pre-release screening held tonight in Mumbai, where the proud parents, Shah Rukh and Gauri, along with Suhana’s brother aryan Khan and maternal grandmother Savita Chhibber, attended to show their wholehearted support. Despite Shah Rukh Khan’s usual avoidance of paparazzi following Aryan’s brush-in with the law, he broke the tradition for the special evening and posed alongside his entire family.
To show his daughter all the support, Shah Rukh Khan wore The Archies T-Shirt under a crisp black suit. AbRam twinned with daddy dearest and slipped in to a black suit. Gauri, on the other hand, opted for a black maxi. aryan Khan was dapper in a black tee paired with black trousers and a grey jacket.
Zoya Akhtar’s directorial also marks the acting debuts of amitabh Bachchan’s grandson agastya Nanda and janhvi kapoor sister and boney kapoor and the late Sridevi’s daughter, kushi Kapoor. It also stars Mihir Ahuja, Vedang Raina and Yuvraj Menda in key roles. The indian adaptation of the beloved comics will be released on Netflix on december 7.