Abhishek Bachchan’s nephew agastya Nanda recently made his acting debut with Zoya Akhtar’s The Archies alongside Suhana Khan, Khushi Kapoor, Vedang Raina, Dot, Mihir Ahuja and Yuvraj Menda. aishwarya attended the special premiere of the family with the Bachchan family and shared a wholesome moment with her nephew. aishwarya was seen telling agastya to get used to the cameras and the attention he was receiving on the red carpet. The moment left everyone in the Bachchan family in splits, especially abhishek and Aaradhya. They were seen laughing as they made their way to the screening. aishwarya was also seen inviting agastya to join her, abhishek and Aaradhya for a photo-op. Not only did aishwarya hold agastya close but also directed the four of them towards each set of paparazzi so that they could get the perfect photos.

Aishwarya Rai Bachchan is a global superstar, thanks to her masterful acting prowess, her stellar good looks and her charming personality. During her illustrious career in films, she has not only conquered india but the world. aishwarya rai bachchan is not only a global superstar in her own right but also is married into one of the most famous film families today the Bachhans.

Aishwarya is now married to abhishek bachchan and the duo have a daughter together, named Aaradhya. However, there was a time when she couldn’t imagine the kind of man she wanted to marry. In an old clip from karan Johar’s chat show Koffee with karan, the director was seen asking Aishwarya, “What kind of man would aishwarya like to marry? Who fits the bill?”

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