Aside from the film’s title, fans also took note of the glasses worn by Rajinikanth in one scene of the teaser. These glasses are available on various shopping applications and websites, with prices ranging from Rs 2000 to Rs 3000. Following the release of Thalaivar 170, Rajinikanth is set to work on Thalaivar 171 with director Lokesh Kanagaraj, which is scheduled to begin filming next year.

Previously on december 12, superstar Rajinikanth celebrated his 73rd birthday, and on this occasion, the title of his highly anticipated movie, Thalaivar 170, was revealed. The upcoming film is titled Vettaiyan, and to mark the announcement, the makers released a teaser that has ignited excitement among fans. Directed by TJ Gnanavel, the film features not only Rajinikanth but also bollywood legend amitabh bachchan in a prominent role, marking their collaboration after three decades. The star-studded cast includes Rana Daggubati, Fahad Faasil, Ritika Singh, Manju Warrier, and Dushara Vijayan, among others.

The title teaser, shared by lyca productions on social media, opens with Rajinikanth reading a book featuring Subhas Chandra Bose. The teaser suggests that Rajinikanth might be portraying the role of a professor, but it also features scenes of him with a lathi and holding a gun, reminiscent of his character in the recently released Jailer

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