Union minister smriti irani has created a stir by giving her opinion on paid periods leave policy. The Union

Minister said that periods are not an obstacle and there is no need for women to take paid leave for this. Now

Bollywood’s dashing girl kangana ranaut has also jumped into this issue. kangana was seen supporting Union

Minister Smriti Irani. The actress has written a long note on her insta story.

Kangana supports Smriti Irani’s paid leave on period statement

She writes that the working woman is a myth. There is no woman in human history who is not working. From

working in the fields to taking care of the house and raising children, women have always been working. During

this time, no one has ever come in the way of his responsibilities towards family, society or country.

Said- This is not a disease...

Kangana further wrote that Unless it is a special medical condition for any woman, women do not need paid

leave for periods. Please understand this. These periods are not any kind of disease or any hindrance.

What did smriti irani say on periods?

Let us tell you that while talking on this issue in Rajya Sabha, smriti irani had said that periods are not an

obstacle for women. This is a part of his life's journey. Now the talk of taking leave for periods in the name of a

working woman is meaningless. We should not raise such issues in which women are deprived of equal rights.

Period leave can lead to discrimination against women in the workforce.

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