Actress jyothika has shared an unknown secret about her debut film 'Vaali' in an interview. In the 90s, jyothika was the dream girl of tamil cinema fans. Directed by director SJ surya, Thala ajith played a double role in 'Wali', making his debut in a small role and subsequently acted in several films. Especially the top heroes of tamil cinema like Vijay, Suriya, Arjun, Kamal, etc. Jyotika, who has acted not only in tamil but also in hindi, Malayalam, telugu and other languages... When she acted in many films with actor surya, the friendship between the two later turned into love. At some point the two got married with parental involvement.

After marriage, Jyotika completely left the film industry... and after her children grew up, she started acting in films again after about 8 years. Currently, he is choosing to act in roles that give importance to women. Suriya - Jyothika, who are crawling as the star couple of the kollywood film industry, recently settled in Mumbai. Recently, jyothika participated in an interview program of famous host Gopinath and answered various questions asked by him. Was the father-in-law particularly opposed to acting? What was the reason for settling down in mumbai with Surya? Many secrets were answered through this interview.

When asked in this interview why she made her debut in a small role in Gopinath Wali, jyothika replied that she initially committed herself to play the heroine role played by SJ surya simran and later I gave her a call sheet to act in a hindi film. Due to the clash of call sheets for two simultaneous shoots, I pulled out of Wally. After that, simran said that he was committed to the film.

Later SJ surya has a cameo in the film. When I was asked if I could act in it... I couldn't refuse the offer. So he said that he acted in that cameo role. It is noteworthy that after about 24 years, the secret about the film Vali has come out.

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