Reportedly it is known that 'Pushpa' fame Jagdish alias Pratap was recently arrested by the Panjagutta police. It seems that Jagdish has recently confessed his crime. It seems that many things were revealed during the investigation. It is known how popular Jagadeesh, who played the role of Keshav as Allu Arjun's assistant in 'Pushpa', became. An unexpected case was registered against Jagdish while his career was going smoothly. It is known that the Panjagutta police also made an arrest about ten days ago. The investigation is ongoing since then. It seems that Jagdish confessed his crime in this process. It is breaking news that he told the police what happened.
During the investigation.. he admitted that he took those photos and threatened them as his lover was close to another person. During the police investigation, he admitted that he was afraid that the photos would be posted on social media. It seems that she did so because she could not stand being close to another young man. The investigation is moving forward with the overall admission of guilt.
He could not bear it when his girlfriend was intimate with someone else. He took a video and photos of both of them being intimate. The young woman committed suicide on 29th of last month after saying that she would push those photos. Panjagutta police arrested the girl on the 6th of this month on the complaint of her father. After the custody was over, he was shifted to Chenchalguda Jail.
With the permission of the court, the Panjagutta police interrogated Jagadish. He confessed his crime in this order. It seems that the young woman said that the main reason was to be close to someone else. It also seems that Jagadish's behavior has changed due to the fame he got with 'Pushpa'. Realizing her mistake, the young woman committed suicide in an attempt to bring Jagdish back to her ways. It seems that the shooting of 'Pushpa 2' movie is getting delayed as Jagdish has been detained by the police.