It's been three weeks since Ranbir Kapoor's 'Animal' created a stir at the box office. Meanwhile, this film made a lot of money at the box office and also broke the records of many films. However, now the bloody game of 'Animal' at the box office seems to be ending. Actually, Shahrukh Khan's Dunki has made the animal worse as soon as it arrives. Let us know how many crores Ranbir Kapoor's film has collected on the 21st day of its release.
How much did 'Animal' earn on the 21st day of its release?
'Animal', which earned a collection of more than Rs 63 crore, made a huge splash at the box office. This film has earned more than Rs 500 crore in three weeks of its release. But now the storm of 'Animal' seems to be slowing down. Actually, Shahrukh Khan's Dunki has been released in theaters today and this film has greatly affected the earnings of Animal with its release. Ranbir Kapoor's film, which was doing business in crores for the last three weeks, now seems to be shrinking to lakhs. Meanwhile, on the 21st day of the release of 'Animal', the initial figures of earnings for the third thursday have also arrived.
According to Sacknilk's early trend report, 'Animal' has collected Rs 87 lakh on the 21st day of its release i.e. third Thursday. With this, the total collection of 21 days of 'Animal' has now become Rs 529.69 crore. Although these are preliminary figures, there may be slight changes after the official numbers come.
Dunki and 'Salar' will clean up 'Animal'
Dunki has been released in theaters today and there is a huge craze among the fans regarding this film. The film is expected to open at more than Rs. 30 crores at the box office. Prabhas's 'Salaar' will hit the theaters tomorrow. Salaar has already crossed the Rs 30 crore mark in advance booking and is expected to collect Rs 50 crore on its opening day. In such a situation, 'Animal' seems to be winning at the box office. Now it remains to be seen how much collection 'Animal' can make at the ticket window between these two films.