Prashant Neel, renowned for breaking conventions with the kannada film KGF, embarked on a new venture with Salaar, casting prabhas as the lead. In KGF, Neel defied the norm by featuring Yash, a hero without a considerable mass image, and succeeded in captivating audiences across languages. Now, with the highly anticipated prabhas starrer, expectations were set high for exhilarating elevation scenes and action-packed moments.
While Salaar does deliver on the anticipated hero elevations and action sequences, the three-hour film falls short in terms of narrative depth. The director introduces a new world called Khansaar, reminiscent of Game of Thrones, but fails to offer anything truly novel. The story, tangled and confusing, poses a challenge for viewers to follow, and the film lacks the emotional depth seen in KGF.
In attempting to evoke a deep bond between the protagonist and his friend, portrayed by special artist prithviraj Sukumaran, the film falters. The friend's character lacks uniqueness, and the hero's relationship with him fails to resonate emotionally. The hero's character graph is disappointingly slow to develop, testing the audience's patience.
Salaar falls short in terms of originality, presenting a narrative that seems reminiscent of KGF, with mafia invasions, struggles for supremacy, and the hero's universal display of power. The visual elements, while adhering to a dark theme, fail to offer any surprises, leaving the audience with a mixed impression of the film.