Bollywood’s king Khan Shah Rukh, who was vying for this year's superstar title in the bollywood world, has now tasted defeat again. The highly anticipated film Dunky has stumbled at the box office collection. The first day collection of Dunki which has been released worldwide is said to be 30 crores. movie pundits have calculated that there are no signs of Dunki becoming a hit. There is a rumor that Shah Rukh Khan starrer Dunki lost. Shah Rukh Khan stood as a force for the hindi cinema world, which was running away from consecutive failures this year. His films Jaawan and Pathan became super hits and proved that there is still life in the world of hindi cinema. But now again Shah Rukh Khan has got the bitterness of defeat. Most Excited Dunky movie starring Shah Rukh Khan has hit box office 'Collection'. This has disappointed Shah Rukh Khan fans.

Meanwhile the year 2023 is the best year in actor Shah Rukh Khan's film career. Whereas Shah Rukh collected 1,148.32 crores from the movie Jaawan. 1,050.30 crores from the Pathan movie. With this big hit, there was a huge expectation on the movie Dunki. But that expectation was disappointed. Dunki first day collection is full dull. The question arises whether the audience has lost faith in Hirani. rajkumar hirani is a veteran director of Bollywood. Munnabhai MBBS, 3 Idiots, PK. Sanju has given super duper movies. Andre Rajkumar Hirani's Dunky is Damar in cinema Collection. This movie collected only 30 crores on the first day. Shahrukh Jawan's first day collection was 75 crores. Pathan first day collection earned 57 crores. But Dunki is the only Utter Plaff.

According to box office pundits, Dunki will enter the box office battle with prabhas starrer Salaar. But that calculation is wrong. Salar's first day collection is estimated at 50 crores and Dunki Damar Salar Super Anno. All in all, it proves once again that no one can ever be a superstar.

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