Prithviraj Sukumaran, who played a significant role in the recently released Pan india film "Salaar," responded to criticisms regarding the violence and brutality depicted in the movie. Addressing the comments, prithviraj emphasized that as an actor, his role is to follow the director's vision, and it is the director who has the creative freedom to depict violence or bloodshed in line with the story and characters.

Prithviraj stated that filmmakers have the liberty to express their artistic vision through graphics and visuals. He also highlighted the role of the Censor Board, mentioning that filmmakers submit their work to the board for certification. The board then reviews the content and assigns a rating, indicating which audience groups the film is suitable for.

The actor drew a comparison to hollywood productions like "Game of Thrones," noting that such content also contains violence. prithviraj defended the film by suggesting that the responsibility lies with the filmmakers to present their work to the Censor Board, which determines the appropriateness of the content for specific audiences.

Prithviraj's comments on the criticism of violence in "Salaar" have generated discussions among netizens, with some expressing displeasure and disagreement with his perspective. The remarks underscore the ongoing debate around the portrayal of violence in films and the role of regulatory bodies in determining suitable audience classifications.

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