After completing 20 years in the film industry, actress Nayanthara thanked her fans for their love and support. Nayanthara, the leading actress of South indian cinema, has the status of Lady Superstar as the top heroine of tamil cinema. Nayanthara made her debut in the malayalam film Manasinagare and then made her debut in the tamil film Aiya. Today, he has completed 20 years in the film industry. He has acted in more than 75 films in 20 years. In this situation, Nayanthara posted on her instagram page, "This is for you, my fans.

Nayanthara completed 20 years in the film industry, A heartfelt letter thanking fans. You are the reason I am still standing here after 20 years. You have been the heartbeat of my career and my driving force. Cause I fell down every time. Without you, this journey would not be complete. Thank you to all my fans near and far." And he added, "You are the magic that turns every project into just a film. As I celebrate this milestone, I celebrate the incredible, supportive and inspiring force that has shaped cinema over these two decades. love . always & always. Yours truly, Nayanthara." Lady Superstar Nayanthara thanked her fans.

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