Apparently this year marks Shah Rukh Khan’s triumphant return to the silver screen with three films: Pathan, Jawan, and the recently released Dunki. After a brief hiatus following the underwhelming performance of his 2018 film Zero, Shah Rukh Khan has once again impressed audiences and solidified his position as one of Bollywood’s iconic stars. The actor, known for transcending borders with his charm, received accolades from fellow actors. suniel shetty, who shared the screen with Shah Rukh Khan in Farah Khan’s blockbuster film Main Hoon Na (2004), once praised Khan as the most secure actor he had ever worked with.
In a recent interview, suniel shetty revealed an interesting behind-the-scenes anecdote from the making of Main Hoon Na. The film’s climax originally depicted a confrontation between Shah Rukh Khan and suniel shetty, with both exchanging blows until the antagonist (Shetty) was defeated. Shah Rukh Khan, demonstrating his secure and collaborative nature, discussed the concern with director Farah Khan. He suggested an alternative climax where his character, while getting beaten up, tactfully releases the pin of a grenade to defeat the antagonist. farah khan embraced the idea, and the climax of the film was shot accordingly. suniel shetty commended Shah Rukh Khan for his lack of insecurities, citing this instance as an example of a confident and secure actor. Main Hoon Na achieved tremendous success, made on a budget of Rs 15 crore and grossing Rs 84 crore at the box office. The film featured an ensemble cast, including Zayed Khan, Boman Irani, Sushmita Sen, and amrita rao in pivotal roles. Shah Rukh Khan’s ability to collaborate and prioritise the integrity of the narrative over personal victories exemplifies his commitment to delivering memorable and believable performances on the big screen.