Venkatesh's upcoming film, "Venky Ki Saindhav," is set to be a Sankranthi treat for audiences. To celebrate the milestone of the film being Venkatesh's 75th, the makers organized a grand event with the participation of several leading actors. It was promoted that stars like chiranjeevi, Balakrishna, Nagarjuna, mahesh babu, and other young heroes would be attending the Saindhav ceremony, held in collaboration with etv Media. 

The event was even titled "Kaliyuga Pandavas to Saindhav." However, there seems to be disappointment among Mahesh Babu's fans as he did not participate in the Saindhav ceremony. Despite extensive promotion and efforts by fans to secure passes, Mahesh Babu's absence led to dissatisfaction among his followers. It was anticipated that mahesh babu, owing to his association with the Sirimalle tree, would attend the event, particularly after completing the shooting for his movie "Guntur Karam."

However, due to the impending release and the need to wrap up the shooting, mahesh babu couldn't take a break to attend the Saindhav event. Fans who had invested money and effort to attend the event expressed their frustration on social media, questioning the organizers for the misleading publicity. While other heroes also had reasons for not attending, chiranjeevi and nani did participate in the event. The program, "Kaliyuga Pandavu to Saindhav," is set to be streamed on etv Win on Sunday.

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