Bollywood actor and producer Arbaaz Khan recently married celeb makeup artist Shaura Khan in an intimate wedding ceremony in the presence of family and close friends. After Arbaaz's marriage, it now seems that his ex-wife malaika arora is also in the mood to take seven rounds again. In fact, the actress herself has given a similar hint in the reality show Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa 11.
malaika wants to marry again?
These days malaika is seen as a judge in season 11 of sony TV's dance reality show Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa along with farah khan and Arshad Warsi. Farah and malaika are often seen having fun during the show. In the latest promo, Farah asks malaika something which hints that the actress is ready to marry again. It can be seen in the promo that farah khan asks malaika, “In 2024, will you change from a single parent cum actress to a double parent cum actress?” malaika gets confused by this question and asks, “Will I have to take someone in my lap again? What does it mean?" To this, the show's host gauhar khan interjects between the two and explains, "It means, are you going to get married?"
malaika is 100 percent ready for marriage
On this, malaika blushes and says, "If there is anyone, I will marry her 100 percent." Hearing this, farah khan says with surprise. “There is none, there are many.” malaika said, "When I say there is someone, it means if someone asks for marriage, I will do it." Farah asked him again, "If anyone asks, will you do it?" To this malaika said yes. malaika has given a hint with these words that she too is completely ready to get married.