Recently, many new faces including Shah Rukh Khan's daughter Suhana Khan, amitabh Bachchan's grandson agastya Nanda, late actress Sridevi's daughter Khushi Kapoor made their bollywood debut with Zoya Akhtar's directorial film 'The Archies'. Vedang Raina has also started his acting career with this film. Rumors of Khushi Kapoor and Vedang Raina's affair have been flying since the release of 'The Archies'. In such a situation, now for the first time Raina himself has broken his silence on this and has told the truth.

Vedang Raina breaks silence on rumors of dating Khushi Kapoor

‘The Archies’ was released on Netflix earlier this month. In this film, Vedang played the role of Reggie while Khushi was seen in the role of Betty. There are rumors that Vedang and Khushi are dating. Although Vedang has clarified that he and Khushi are close and even share a special connection but they are not dating. Speaking to Times Now, Vedang said, “Khushi and I connected on many levels. We had the same interest in music. Khushi and I are not dating. I have a very strong bond with him. We have known each other for a very long time and we are connected through many things." He further said, "I am single right now. When the right time comes, hopefully the situation will change.

Vedang attended Khushi Kapoor's birthday celebration.

Rumors of Vedang and Khushi's dating had spread after they attended Khushi Kapoor's birthday celebration. Khushi's sister Jhanvi Kapoor along with her rumored boyfriend Shikhar Pahadia, Ori and Vedang Raina attended the intimate lunch. Ori had shared a video on her insta while cutting Khushi's cake, in which Vedang was seen sitting next to The Archies actress and clapping for her.


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