In a stunning triumph at the box office, Mohanlal-starrer Neru swiftly entered the coveted Rs 50-crore club within a mere eight days of its theatrical release. The actor took to social media to express his gratitude, stating, ‘#Neru crosses Rs 50 crore at the worldwide box office! Heartfelt thanks to all the audience for the love and congratulations to the entire crew!’
Neru crosses 50 crores at the box office worldwide! Heartfelt thanks to audiences everywhere for the love, and kudos to the entire team. Released on december 21 as a christmas treat for fans, Neru has been impressing audiences with its intriguing narrative, bolstered by the tagline ‘Seeking Justice.’ industry insiders are hailing it as a gripping courtroom suspense thriller, adding a layer of anticipation to its storyline. This cinematic spectacle, penned by Santhi Mayadevi and Jeethu Joseph, marks the fifth collaboration between the dynamic duo of mohanlal and Jeethu Joseph.
The film is produced under the esteemed banner of Aashirvad Cinemas and helmed by Antony Perumbavoor. It has not only earned critical acclaim but is also shattering the box office records. Despite initially being released on 200 screens, the movie is now being screened on 350 screens, showcasing its soaring popularity.
The film also marks a strong comeback for the seasoned malayalam star who’s been going through a rough patch in recent times, with his last few releases unable to impress the audiences. Mohanlal’s track record of entering the Rs 50-crore club is nothing short of impressive, with previous hits like Pulimurugan, Lucifer, and Drishyam. Neru continues this winning streak, solidifying the actor’s standing as a box office powerhouse.