Shruti Haasan celebrated the New Year 2024 with her family. Her father, famed actor Kamal Haasan, her lover Shantanu Hazarika, her aunt Suhasini, and Suhasini's husband, celebrated filmmaker Mani Ratnam, all accompanied her. shruti posted photographs from the party on her instagram stories.

While many celebrities have lavish offshore parties to usher in the New Year, shruti chose a more intimate, family-oriented celebration. shruti and her father Kamal were both dressed elegantly in black for the festivities. Shruti's boyfriend, Shantanu, also attended the family party.

Shruti posted images from the celebration on Instagram. "Have a blessed and lovely new year." I hope that all of your wishes come true, especially the ones you truly need... I simply have a feeling we're going to have a fantastic time. After many years, I spent the New Year in Chennai, my homeland!! "So special," she commented, crediting Shantanu for taking beautiful shots of her.

The actor also shared amusing videos and images with Shantanu to commemorate the happy occasion. shruti haasan has established a reputation for herself in the Tamil, Telugu, and hindi cinema industries. She recently appeared as the female lead in the film Salaar, where her depiction of Prabhas' love interest received critical praise.

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